Online Desk: From now on, authorised dealer banks will send the money against export prices of jute products to the exporter millers’ accounts directly to help eliminate any kind of irregularities.
Besides, the money against export prices can be paid to the millers in BDT or USD.
The Bangladesh Bank issued a circular to all scheduled banks in this regard on October 9.
Banks will keep only the middlemen’s commission and send the rest of the money to the exporter millers’ accounts directly.
Earlier, mediators used to send the money to the account of the exporters. In this case, sometimes millers did not receive the money for export prices on time. There is also a possibility of not getting export prices from a section of mediators.
Jute goods are usually exported directly by the mill authorities. But they also take help of the intermediaries to export at least 30 per cent of their goods.
Following this instruction from the central bank, exporters will receive money properly, said millers.
About 300 jute mills and spinners are in the country. Of them, 190 are exporters.