Online Desk : Seven college students in have issued a four-hour ultimatum, demanding an official apology from the Dhaka University administration over a recent clash between students from Dhaka College and Dhaka University. The group is also calling for the resignation of DU Pro-Vice Chancellor Mamun Ahmed. In a press conference on Monday, the students outlined their demands in a written statement, warning of “strict action” if their conditions are not met by 4 pm.
The students, representing seven colleges, have also announced a potential blockade in Dhaka if their grievances are not addressed within the given timeframe. On Sunday evening, an altercation erupted between the seven colleges’ students and DU administration, when DU pro-VC Mamun Ahmed allegedly insulted the students. The alleged “insult” prompted huge marches from Dhaka College to DU gate, and DU students abruptly joined the fray, leading to chases and counter-chases well past midnight.