Online Desk : A fugitive party is making every effort to unsettle the country, said Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus to BBC Bangla during an interview published on Monday. “This risk always exists. A fugitive party has left the country, or its leadership is no longer here. They are making every effort to destabilise the situation. So, this threat is constant-it exists at every moment, in every place. It is always there.”
“There is no scope to deny anyone their legitimate rights in Bangladesh, irrespective of beliefs and opinions,” Yunus said when he was asked about his position on preventing Awami League from taking part in next general elections. Replying to another question whether he is referring to the ousted Awami League as the threat, Dr Yunus said, “Absolutely! That is obvious! They are frequently making announcements, giving speeches, addressing the public. We all hear it. People are getting agitated.” “They are making public addresses, calling on people to rise, to take action. They are announcing programs-hartals, protests and so on.”
“How do you think people will interpret this? Do you think everything will settle down peacefully just like that?” asked the Chief Adviser. “We will do what everyone else wants to do,” the chief adviser replied on a point to let Awami League continue as political party.