Online Desk : The government has taken elaborate programmes at the national level to celebrate Independence and National Day on 26th March. The day will begin with a 31-gun salute in the morning across the country including in Dhaka, said a press release of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs on Monday. President Md. Shahabuddin and Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus will lay wreaths early in the morning to pay profound respect to the memories of the martyrs of 1971. Later the families of the Birsreshtha, war-wounded freedom fighters, and brave freedom fighters led by the Liberation War Affairs Adviser, will also lay wreaths.
People from all walks of life including foreign diplomats, political leaders, and representatives from social, cultural, and professional bodies will lay wreaths at the National Memorial. Besides, wreaths will be laid at district and upazila memorials across the country. National flags will be hoisted, and the national anthem will be performed at all divisions, districts, and upazilas. Student rallies and parades will also take place. On this day, the national flag will be hoisted atop all government, semi-government, autonomous, and private buildings.In Dhaka, the national flag will be hoisted atop prominent buildings and important establishments will be illuminated. However, lighting will not be permitted on the black night of genocide on 25th March. Main roads and traffic islands in Dhaka and other cities will be decorated with national flags and other flags. This day is a public holiday. The President and the Chief Adviser will also issue messages on the occasion.