Online Desk: Low-lying areas of different parts of Sylhet district have been inundated due to onrush of hill water and swelling of rivers caused by torrential rains for the last three days. The water levels in the Kushiara and the Surma Rivers are close to the danger level and may cross it if water levels rise further, said Executive Engineer of Sylhet Water Development Board Ashif Ahmed.
According to the local weather observatory centre, the rains may continue for 15 more days and if rains and onrush of water from upstream continue for a few more days moderate flood may hit the region this week.
Deputy Commissioner Mojibur Rahman, said already the local administration has taken all necessary measures after holding an emergency meeting on Thursday and the authorities concerned have been asked to keep all shelter centres prepared. Water started to enter many low-lying areas and haor areas due to the rise in water levels of many rivers.
Besides, Surma River was flowing 12.68 cm against the danger level of 12.65 cm at Kanaighat point while it was flowing 9.38 cm against 10.8 cm danger level at Surma point. The local weather observatory centre recorded 135.4 mm of rainfall from 6 am Thursday till 6 am Friday while 271 mm rains were recorded from 6 am Wednesday till 6 am Thursday.
Shah Mohammad Sajeebhossain, assistant meteorologist, said downpour is likely in the district in the next 48 hours. He also asked all to remain alert as onrush of hill water may flood the area during this period. Last year, the residents of Sylhet district experienced a devastating flood as 70 percent of the district went under floodwater while 10,000 dwelling houses were damaged, causing immense sufferings to thousands of people.