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Lifestyle management for eczema in the groin
Monday, 07 October 2024, 02:30 am

Lifestyle management for eczema in the groin

  • Update Time : Thursday, 7 December, 2023, 05:50 pm
  • 71 Time View

Online Desk: If someone asks to name the itchiest and irritating skin conditions, eczema would be one of the top choices. This inflammatory disease may affect many parts of our body, including the genital areas.

Eczema in the penis, groin and the surrounding skin of anus and buttock is very embarrassing, especially if it is constantly itchy.

The groin is a fertile area for infection and inflammation. That is because it is warm, moist and often devoid of adequate air circulation due to tight undergarments.

Eczema in the groin manifests the same way as anywhere else in the body, in the form of dry, sensitive skin, redness, scales and itching.

If the patient incessantly scratches the area, it could lead to the development of a thick layer and further itchiness.

There are several risk factors for eczema. A positive family history and genetic causes have been touted as high risk. Apart from that, stress and seasonal changes can cause flare-ups. Allergens, such as latex, pollen, mold, metals, etc., are also responsible for triggering the condition.

Eczema is a lifelong disease. Patients experience almost normal life punctuated by flare-ups. These flare-ups are really distressing for them and significantly reduce their quality of life.

There are certain lifestyle changes we can make to ensure these episodes are few and far between.

People with eczema should pay particular attention to their clothing; something loose-fitting is advisable, as it will ensure proper air circulation. Undergarments should not be tight and must be allergen-free. 100% cotton underwear may be a good choice.
Maintaining moisture in the skin is very important. According to Dr Peter A Lio of Northwestern University, US, developing a routine around bathing and moisturising is key to eczema management.

Shower in lukewarm water with a fragrance-free cleanser or mild soap is recommended. After that, the skin should be patted dry with a clean towel. Moisturiser must be applied at least twice a day, with one preferable time just after the shower.

There is a technique called wet wrap, which can help patients with groin eczema with their itchiness and redness. It is very simple. After a shower, put moisturiser on and cover the area with a clean damp cloth.

On top of this, another layer of dry cloth should be applied. Keep it like that for a few hours to moisturise and heal the skin.

Personal hygiene is very important. The groin should be kept clean and dry. Also, eczema triggers must be identified and avoided as much as possible. If stress is a factor, learning and practising relaxation techniques help. If the disease is linked to food elements, replacing those might be preferable.

Exercise is good for health. Eczema patients should also look for ways to exercise regularly but with some precautions. They can take a non-prescription antihistamine for itching when there is a flare-up, apply moisturiser before and after the workout and wear lightweight and breathable attire.

Keeping a good bedtime routine goes a long way to reduce nighttime itch, which is a very uncomfortable feature of eczema. Using a moisturiser before sleep, keeping the bedroom temperature cool and wearing light and loose clothing are all sensible choices.

University of Arkansas dermatologist Dr. Vivian Y. Shi emphasised the importance of being proactive for eczema patients. We cannot let the disease take over our lives. With appropriate lifestyle changes, it is possible to control eczema by minimising the episodes of flare-ups.

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