Online Desk: The International Crimes Tribunal has sentenced four war criminals to death for crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971 in Bhandaria upazila in
Online Desk: Defying the order of the government agitating teachers said they will continue their protest demanding nationalisation of secondary educational institutions. The agitating teachers said they
Online Desk: The “peace and development” procession of the ruling Awami League has started from the Satrasta intersection following a brief rally. Thousands of activists of AL
Online Desk: The results of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and its equivalent exams will be published on July 28. The chairman of the Board of Intermediate and
Online Desk: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday asked the government officials to ensure accountability and work sincerely up to the grassroots level for the sake of
Online Desk: A young man was killed and at least 30 people were injured in clashes between the leaders and activists of BNP and Awami League in
Online Desk: Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant-2, 65-kilometre-long Khulna-Mongla Port Railway Link, Akhaura (Bangladesh) and Agartala (India) Railway Link are expected to be inaugurated during Prime Minister
Online Desk: Leaders, activists and followers of the ruling Awami League have started gathering to join their ‘peace and development procession’. The first phase of the two-day
Online Desk: A clash took place between the BNP men and Govt Bangla College unit Bangladesh Chhatra League as the party’s road march to press home their
Online Desk: Temperatures reached new highs on Monday as heatwaves and wildfires scorched swathes of the Northern Hemisphere, forcing the evacuation of 1,200 children close to a